>NOTE: this is an early-access preview. What you see in future updates or reviews might be different from this post.

So the friendly team members at [Themeski.com](http://themeski.com) granted me an account so I can explore their exclusive **Drupal themes pipeline** - and I'm so excited to check out everything on their site.

## HOMEPAGE (logged in)

## THEMES listing-page
I find that it's right on point. At first glance these themes look very unique and professional. Now, I feel the need to check the *theme-features* of each theme to see if they would be valuable to most Drupal customers.

## "Mandel" theme landing page

It says that I'm SUBSCRIBED (which means I have access or has paid for it). The theme's landing page also details relevant information about Mandel, along with the **demo** url.

## "Mandel" theme demo page

Click the **gear icon** to the right shows the theme-customization widget.

## User 'Downloads' page

Clicking the **"Hi Marc Robinsone"** _(blue widget, top right)_ shows your personal account widget. In this case, clicking "Downloads" and searching for "mandel" brings me to the file-download links for the desired theme.

**Next up: downloading Mandel's zip file** -- this is the Drupal install-profile bundle that Themeski will provide you, which you can unpack and install into your own web-hosting / server.

Stay tuned - setting up Themeski themes will be included in my next post!